Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Black Out

Last week they tried to have a Black Out, where black people were supposed to not purchase items from places that weren't black owned. I don't think it was a success for so many reasons. My top three reasons being :

1) It was the first of the month!! Rent had to be paid, bills had to be paid, and food had to be bought! Some people can't wait until the first of the month! They were dying to get to the store and get the things they needed for their households!
2) Truly for anything of this magnitude to work you need better planning and make sure everyone knows why it's being done. Alot of people called into radio shows wanting to know the justification in them not spending money on that day.
3) You need more than just one day to show America how valuable our spending is to the economy. For this to really work, it should have been the entire weekend, not just ONE day!

Those are my reasons why I think it didn't work, besides the MAIN factor that Black people as a whole have lost sight of what community is. We had just as good as neighborhoods as other races until the 70's hit. That "it takes a village to raise a child" days are so past us now.

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