Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Twitter: What it has revealed to the public

I had the most dynamic conversation bright & early this morning, about 1 am to be exact, with @MrFortune500 . We talked about people in the industry & these melt downs "celebs" have had over the net. Letting people see their vulernable side. Its made me want to update my blog,which ironically is titled "When Dreams Become Nightmares, $hit somebody wake me up!" (yes, I know the title is long,but that's what I felt like @ the time.)

 Anyhoo, what I gathered via twitter & ustream is that like the rest of the world some of these "celebs" are standing on what Green Day described as "Blvd of Broken Dreams". The only thing is they have "the money,cars, the clothes, the hoes, I suppose" or what they think is success. Sometimes what you think is success, is nothing more than a pawn to lure you further into a game that very few are winning. Sometimes you think success is a blessing, but really its a front row seat to hell. How many times have you said If I only Had this, everything would be okay, but when you got it, everything was NOT okay. With it came more responsibility. Was it Biggie who said, "Mo, Money, Mo Problems", it rangs true for these celebs. 

According @MrFortune500 the way things are supposed to work is that in the industry its tied to hell. Its like there's a pile of diamonds in hell and your supposed to go once and get as much as you can the first time and return. Most people in the industry don't go once, they get greedy and they keep going back. It gets to the point that they sell their souls to the devil to keep playing in the pile. Then they ended up battling demons for their life, which in turns becomes a rant on ustream or twitter. You're sitting at your computer screen watching these fools act a hot mess not realizing they are at battle with a host of demons. It's a mere cry for help, that most of us joke about or say he's on something. I'm not going to name any names but a good majority of these folks have weak foundations upon entering the game, if they do have strong foundations they quickly become tested over & over again. 

I'll update this as I go along and witness more nerevos breakdowns via twitter.

Just remember every time you open your mouth, you let the world inside your mind!

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Great blog. Keep doing a good job.